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"old japanese court music"の例文


  • old Japanese court music


  • sukeyasu shiba (august 13 , 1935 - ) is a gagakuka , or a musician who plays old japanese court music , and a member of the japan art academy .
    芝 祐靖(しば すけやす、1935年8月13日 -)は、雅楽家、日本芸術院会員。
  • his descendants have served the imperial court as a musician until today , many of his descendants turned out to be a gagakuka (musician of old japanese court music ).
  • toshiharu togi (september 14 , 1929 - year of death unknown ) is a gagakuka , or a person who plays old japanese court music , and is also a member of the japan art academy .
    東儀 俊美(とうぎ としはる、1929年9月14日 -)は、雅楽家、日本芸術院会員。
  • o no tadatatsu (april 10 , 1865 - december 22 , 1944 ) was gagakuka (musician of old japanese court music ) and the member of imperial art academy .
    多 忠龍(おお の ただたつ、元治2年3月15日 (旧暦)(1865年4月10日) - 昭和19年(1944年)12月22日)は、雅楽家、帝国芸術院会員。
  • sukehiro shiba (march 19 , 1898 to october 10 , 1982 ) was a gagakuka (musician of old japanese court music ) born in tokyo and was a member of the japan art academy .
    芝 祐泰(しば すけひろ、1898年3月19日 - 1982年10月10日)は、雅楽家、東京生まれの日本芸術院会員である。
  • yoshiisa oku (1858 - march 6 , 1933 [or may have been march 9 , 1933 ]) was a gagakuka (musician of old japanese court music ) and composer in the meiji , taisho and showa periods .
    奥 好義(おく よしいさ、1858年 - 1933年3月6日(9日とも))は、明治・大正・昭和時代の雅楽、作曲家。
  • minamoto no osamu (year of birth unknown - august 2 , 960 ) was a government official and a gagakuka (a musician of old japanese court music ), who lived during the mid-heian period .
    源 脩(みなもと の おさむ、生年不詳 - 天徳 (日本)4年7月7日 (旧暦)(960年8月2日))は、平安時代中期の官人・雅楽家。
  • minamoto no sukekata (1113 - april 1 , 1188 ) was a kugyo (the top court official ) and gagakuka (musician of old japanese court music ), who lived during the late heian period .
    源 資賢(みなもと の すけかた、永久 (元号)元年(1113年) - 文治4年2月26日 (旧暦)(1188年3月25日))は、平安時代末期の公卿・雅楽家。
  • he studied basic theories of the traditional japanese music and tuning techniques of gakuso (koto for traditional japanese music ) under shuraku hazuka , a gagakuka (musician of old japanese court music ) (another opinion says it was not shuraku ).
  • it is notable that azuma-asobi was performed along with togaku (the tang-era chinese music ), komagaku (the old japanese court music introduced from korea ), and rinyugaku (indian songs and dance ) when the daibutsu kuyo (dedication ceremony for the great buddha ) was held at todai-ji temple on may 1 , 861 , even though azuma-asobi nearly ceased to exist at that time .
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